Tuesday, April 15, 2008

very random indeed

Beautiful sunset over Lake Michigan and snow-covered Lake Shore Drive
~view from mr. boyfriend's room~

Stormy sea and cloudy skies at Damai Beach Resort, Kuching

I really, rea-lly, REALLY need to clear up my mess in my room and in the living room...because:
1. Xian is arriving on Thursday! (WOOT!)
2. Prospective subletters are visiting!
3. My parents are coming!
4. I'm graduating!!!

-> 2 months to graduation <-
...and I don't know what to feel...

I'm glad that I'm finally going to be DONE WITH SCHOOL but school comes with a lot of other fun stuff, like FRIENDS and CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES and a different kind of FREEDOM than the freedom once you start working. Leaving school also means LEAVING THE U.S. so I'm sad about that as well.

*kick the wall*

Am I ready for the next stage of life??


xian said...

HAHA.. u r not waiting for me to go help you out with your spring-cleaning right :P HAHAh
tell u a secret ....

I cant wait to see you on thursday!! :P

-lynn- said...

graduating is scary!