Saturday, October 11, 2008


I am completely miserable.

Just a few weeks ago, I found out that MBTI indicated that I prefer Extraversion over Intraversion. I didn't quite agree because I like withdrawing from the crowd and spend time alone. But after being away in India for so long, I cannot help feeling very lonely and desperate to have my friends around.

I am now down with fever, working on a Saturday in a fully air-conditioned room and was informed that I'd need to stay another full week in India after the final presentation.

I have to reschedule my flights, make my hotel reservations and change my dental appointment back in Kuching.

I am SO tempted to fly back to KL for less than 10 hours just to see familiar faces. That means arriving in KL Sunday morning around 7-8am and flying out again at 8pm.

Do you guys think that's crazy?


xian said...

do what you have to do if it makes you feel better.

take care of yourself.

-lynn- said...

just make sure you won't be too exhausted. esp if you're still ill. sometimes all you need is rest and sleep and sleep and sleep......