Thursday, May 22, 2008

jordin sparks in a disastrous dress during american idol finale results show

Jordin Sparks, winner of American Idol 6, performed “One Step at a Time” last night at the American Idol 7 Finale Results show.

She was 17 when she won American Idol, so she's 18 now.

Someone (American Idol wardrobe stylist or Jordin's wardrobe stylist or herself!) should have known better than to dress her up like a 6-year-old. Seriously.

And the color? Omigosh beyond gawdy! Metallic gold? Come on!

I think Jordin Sparks is really pretty and although she's full-figured (wa so politically correct!), she was always dressed flatteringly well in American Idol 6. So what is this??? Two words--disaster zone!

And she's an amazing singer too...but I couldn't take my eyes off that dress the entire time! I kept thinking, omigosh why is she wearing that dress?!

Watch the video:

1 comment:

meiphing said...

she looks a lot more mature now..hehe