Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 5 - Nanjing

Rainy relaxed day visiting enterprises in Nanjing - Sharp, LG etc. Good time to catch up on loat sleep. Nap, visit, nap, visit, nap, visit. 21-course lunch and 23-course dinner; yummy and happy. Sad reflective afternoon visiting the memorial museum of the Nanjing massacre. The memorial museum was more well done than expected and spans over quite a big plot of land. Disturbing pictures of the horrifying acts; haunting testimonials of the killings and rapes. Estimated 300,000 people died. Stones covering the entire compound not to be stepped on to honor the deceased. Experience spoilt yet again by shoving locals jostling their way to the displays and jostling their way out in a split second without pausing to read, think or see the atrocities. Free and easy night of yet another round of foot massage, falling asleep. Zzz...

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