Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 2 - Hangzhou/Shanghai

Early morning rise to walk to Xi Hu. Sleepy heads and droopy eyes. Air, thick and pregnant with moisture, suffocating pores and windpipes. A school of elderly Chinese practising tai-chi in sync by the lake, a woman walking backwards, a daughter exercising with her father. Joining the school of elderly Chinese practising tai-chi not-so in sync by the lake. Ballroom dancing old couples, heartwrenchingly cute. Singing traditional Chinese songs with the locals, us Lao Wai. Eyes lit up at the sight of capitalism next to the singing ladies - oh the goodness of grande starbucks coffee frappucino with no whipped cream!
Hangzhou train station - falling rain, no cabs, motor rickshaw with luggage up to the nose. Too many people, WAY too many people. Cutting queues, running luggage over feet, pushing and shoving. Human penguin walk shuffling into the train carriage, worried the others will not make the train on time...woohoo! They made it! Tired out and knocked out. Arrived at Shanghai South station. Human penguin walk shuffling out of the train station. Final leg to the hotel. Finally registered and the Chinese Synergy Programme kicks off! Don't remember what it feels like to socialize with so many strangers...so many people but yet still alone. Hmm...Hello, Shanghai!

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