Wednesday, March 30, 2011


The dreams do. not. stop. And when I wake up to reality, when the dreams seem to finally stop, I am mentally drained and completely out of energy. It's been long enough and I do not think about him much anymore. But I do acknowledge that there is a deeper issue that I'm simply burying. What to do?

Though, I am a bit more optimistic this time. In my dreams when we are back together, the conscious part of my sub-conscious told me that "HE IS NOT THE SAME PERSON ANYMORE" and "THINGS HAVE CHANGED" and "I DON'T KNOW HIM ANYMORE".   Plus, my sub-conscious also did a great job of reminding me to kill the idea as we were killed/murdered at the end.

On a happier note, I am relieved, grateful and happy that I got into Wharton! 

1 comment:

Mabel said...

yay for Wharton :D