Thursday, September 10, 2009

Day 48

He is happy, so it seems.

When will I be happy again?


Zoey said...

honey, I really hope that you will not waste your days mourning the lost of this relationship. Yes, apparently he´s happy, and why do you have to be sad? You are pretty, talented, fun, amazing, and most of all you are loved by your family and friends. Do be strong and start forget about him. He doesn´t appreciate you as who YOU are and but I am sure that there is a guy out there who will do just that!! Like the old sayings, 'there are plenty of fish in the ocean'. So don´t restrict yourself in thinking that he is the best that you can ever find because you have never allowed yourself to be known by other potential candidates!!! Believe me, that the next guy in your new chapter of life will be TEN FOLD better than this one. He´s just too blind to see your true beauty and thus IT IS his lost and NOT YOURS!!! Remember that YOU DESERVE someone better. Be strong to face the fact that he dumped you and please gather up the courage to DUMP HIM back emotionally!! GET rid of him from your mind and your precious LIFE!! Brave yourself to face the fact!! Reality hurts and i know how much your heart breaks BUT understand this: no one goes through life without any sufferings! This is an experience that will make you as a better person and helped you in handling a better relationship in the future. You are still so young and so full of life and potential. You must not waste anymore of your days to sink yourself into the pit of despair. Do you really want to remain in sadness and close yourself to this life while he is living his life and cares not about you?? I must say that this is really SILLY and absolutely UNFAIR that you allow him to hurt you this much! No one can hurt you unless you allow them!! It pains me as your friend to see you lament and hurt for many days now (about 48 days= one month plus??) Gosh, please WAKE UP. I am sorry that I have to harsh with you but I really feel indignant as your friend to see you like this. Hang in there! Once you are determined to get out of this hole, you will be a different person and meet a better guy. Dont give up hope and love. You are not alone. I hope one day, you will be able to SEE clearly how silly it is to mourn over the lost of this particular relationship. YOU REALLY DESERVE someone better than this.

hugs and luv,

Mabel said...

i agree