Wednesday, March 24, 2010

how to meet a guy?

People always say that there is a time when you simply move on to date other people after ending a relationship...I was thinking about it but it's definitely easier said than done, right?  There are so many complications to that, for example: 
  1. Getting over being hung up about the past relationship
  2. Thinking about meeting/dating other people
  3. Actually meeting/finding people who are interested in going on a date with you
  4. Doing the American dating thing (when you've never quite done it before)  
And with my job, you just don't have time to meet people, what more to say date people.  Plus, it's just 100x harder when you're not quite physically attractive.

Don't you guys think so?


Mabel said...

1. You ARE physically and inwardly attractive.
2. I will help with the facilitation of meeting people part. Muahaha.

xian said...

what american dating thing??

Khirul said...

you are the malaysian tyra banks

Unknown said...

Just do what you can do, find your ways... stop blaming & giving excuses... haha jz my2cent.